How much plastic is in the Chesapeake Bay?
This September, join Trash Free Maryland and our partners as we sail the Chesapeake Bay, sampling for plastic pollution. It's 15 days of science, education, and activism to tell the story of how plastics move from litter in our streets to contaminating the fish on our dinner plates.

We need your support to collect the samples, analyze them, and get the results in front of residents and decision makers across Maryland. Can you make a financial contribution today?
Thanks to The Story of Stuff Project, the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, the US EPA and the Chesapeake Bay Program, Dr. Chelsea Rochman, the National Aquarium, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Calvert Marine Museum, Chris Charbonneau, Spinsheet, Chesapeake Bay Trust, the 5 Gyres Institute, and dozens of other individuals and organizations for their assistance and support of this work!